Enrolment for all sections of Dunblane BB will take place on Friday 25th August 2017 between 6pm and 8pm at Dunblane Cathedral Hall. It’s a drop-in evening so come along at any time to hand in forms and purchase new or second-hand uniform. You are encouraged to get in touch in advance by e-mail info@dunblanebb.org.uk in order to help with our online registration and payment.

Please note that we will be operating waiting lists, where necessary, for some age groups. All existing members from 2016/17 will be allowed to continue but numbers will be capped in order to ensure a quality programme and manageable ratios of boys to leaders. There are currently no spaces for P6 boys and there is likely to be a limited number of places in P3 for Anchor Boys, so please do contact us by e-mail (info@dunblanebb.org.uk) or call 821387 if your son is in one of those year groups.

Forms and information packs are available below. Please check the ‘All sections’ part AND the specific section your son wishes to join for all paperwork. If you have any questions, please give us a call on 01786821387 or e-mail info@dunblanebb.org.uk

All sections:
2017-18 Subscription rates
BB Gift Aid Form
25th BB Membership & Waiting List info

Anchor Boy forms (P1-P3):

Junior Section forms (P4-P6)
Juniors Info Pack 2017-18

Company Section forms (P7-S6)
2017-18 Parent-Boy agreement
2017-18 Company Section Info Pack

We are delighted to announce the return of the Doune & Dunblane 5-a-side Football Tournament for 2019! This is the twelfth year in a row that the Boys’ Brigade has run this event for the local community. In the more distant past, the tournament has been running in one format or another since the 1980s!

Please note that this year the cost of entry is £2 per player in order to cover increased costs of first aid provision and to ensure that the event is fully self-funding.

As always, the tournaments will take place on the field at Dunblane Primary School.

P6/7 Tournament – Wednesday 29th May, 6.30-9.00pm
P4/5 Tournament – Thursday 30th May, 6.30-9.00pm
[The semi-finals and finals will be held at the DPS Fete on Saturday 1st June, 1.30-4.00pm]
S1/2 Tournament – Friday 31st May, 7.00-9.30pm

Entry will be via an online-based system this year. The form is available on this page. Teams will only be confirmed when payment is made via an online donation to BB via our JustGiving page. You must put your team name in the ‘Your Message’ page when making your donation. NB – Please do NOT Gift-Aid your payment.

Enrolment for all sections of Dunblane BB will take place on Friday 26th August 2016 between 6pm and 7pm at Dunblane Cathedral Hall. It’s a drop-in evening so come along at any time to hand in forms and purchase new or second-hand uniform. You are encouraged to get in touch in advance by e-mail info@dunblanebb.org.uk in order to help with our online registration and payment.

Please note that we will be operating some waiting lists, where necessary, for some age groups. All existing members from 2015/16 will be allowed to continue but numbers will be capped in order to ensure a quality programme and manageable ratios of boys to leaders. There are currently no spaces for P5 boys and there is likely to be a limited number of places in Company Section for S1 and S3-4 so please do contact us by e-mail (info@dunblanebb.org.uk) if your son is in one of those year groups.

Forms and information packs are available below. Please check the ‘All sections’ part AND the specific section your son wishes to join for all paperwork.

2016-17 Subscription rates
25th BB Membership & Waiting List info
BB Gift Aid Form 2016

ANCHOR BOYS (P1-3, Wednesdays 6.15-7.15pm, beginning 7th September)
Anchor Boy Annual Consent Form

JUNIOR SECTION (P4-6, Fridays 6.15-7.45pm, beginning 2nd September)
Juniors Info Pack 2016-17


COMPANY SECTION & SENIORS (P7-S3 & S4-S6, Fridays 7.45-10.00pm and Sunday morning/evening, beginning 2nd September)

2016-17 Company Section Info Pack

2016-17 Parent-Boy agreement

We are pleased to announce the dates for the ever-popular Doune & Dunblane 5-a-side Football Tournament for 2016. As always, the event will take place at Dunblane Primary School field. Please note that we are returning to the traditional format, whereby the preliminary rounds are played on the evenings listed below, but the semi-finals and finals of the P4/5 and P6/7 tournaments will be on Saturday 4th June during the Dunblane Primary School Fete, which runs from 1.30-4.00pm that day. DSC_0620

Entry forms and information for players, parents and carers are linked to below.


P6/7 tournament – Monday 30th May, 6.30-9.00pm
P4/5 tournament – Tuesday 31st May, 6.30-9.00pm
S1/2 tournament – Wednesday 8th June, 6.30-9.00pm (note the week between the primary and secondary school tournaments! It’s not three consecutive nights!)

P4/5 and P6/7 semi-finals, finals and third-place play-offs – Saturday 4th June, 1.30-4.00pm.

2016 Entry form

2016 Doune and Dunblane football tournament poster

2016 Info for players and parents

2015 sees 25th Stirling (Dunblane) Boys’ Brigade celebrate 115 years since the founding of the company – in its original 1st Dunblane form – back in 1900. To mark the occasion, a number of events are being held on the weekend of 2nd-4th October including a reunion dinner to which all former members and officers of the company are invited.

The dinner will be held in the Victoria Hall, Dunblane at 7.30pm. Tickets are £25 per person and include a three-course meal. A cash bar will be available on the night. All proceeds from the evening will go to Dunblane BB funds to help support the programme for its current 200 boys and officers.

Former captains and officers from yesteryear have been lined up to tell some stories of BB years gone by and we invite you to bring along any photographs, uniform, badges or other BB paraphernalia to share. Entertainment will be provided at the beginning of the night by the Boys’ Brigade band.

To reserve a ticket, please e-mail info@dunblanebb.org.uk or call 01786 821387. Alternatively, you can purchase online straight away at Eventbrite (no additional fee).

You can also check the Facebook event page to see who else is planning to come.

Enrolment for all sections of Dunblane BB will take place on Friday 21st August between 6pm and 8pm at Dunblane Cathedral Hall. It’s a drop-in evening so come along at any time to hand in forms, make subscription payments and purchase new or second-hand uniform.

Please note that we will be operating some waiting lists, where necessary, for some age groups. All existing members from 2014/15 will be allowed to continue but numbers will be capped in order to ensure a quality programme and manageable ratios of boys to leaders. There are currently no spaces for P4 or P7 boys and there is likely to be only a very limited number of places in Company Section for S1-S6 so please contact us by e-mail (info@dunblanebb.org.uk) if your son is in one of those year groups.

Forms and information packs are available below. Please check the ‘All sections’ part AND the specific section your son wishes to join for all paperwork.


BB Membership & Waiting List info
2015-16 Subscription rates
BB Gift Aid form 2015
Where do my badges go?

Note: boys must attain their fifth birthday before joining. Weekly meeting: Wednesday 6.05-7.10pm at Cathedral Hall
Anchor Boys – Annual Consent Form
Anchor Info Pack 2015-16

Note: no spaces are currently available for P4 boys. Names will be added to a waiting list.
Weekly meeting: Friday 6.10-7.45pm at Cathedral Hall
Juniors Info Pack 2015-16
Junior Section – Annual Consent form

Note: no spaces are available for P7 boys and only a very limited number of places will be available for new S1-S6 boys. Please e-mail us on info@dunblanebb.org.uk to find out more.
Weekly meetings: Fridays 7.45-10.00pm and Sundays 9.20-10.00am/7.30-8.00pm (alternate weeks)
Company Section – Annual Consent Form
2015-16 Company Section Info Pack
2015-16 Company Section Parent-Boy agreement

If you have any questions at all, please call 823192 to speak to our captain or e-mail info@dunblanebb.org.uk

Dunblane Boys’ Brigade is holding a huge summer appeal collection for Startup Stirling’s crisis food bank. We are responding to a very tough situation which occurs in the summer months when demand is highest yet supplies are at their lowest.

The collection will take place on Friday 19th June between 5.30 and 8.00pm in Dunblane Cathedral Hall. All donations of non-perishable foodstuffs, toiletries, household supplies, baby products, etc. will be gratefully received. Cash or cheque donations to help towards fresh food can also be made.

Why is the need so great in summer? There are many reasons, but here are the key ones:
In the summer, children are off school, hence they have no access to free school meals or breakfast clubs, which can normally provide two meals per day for children of families in need.
Working families may have to shell out more in the holidays for child care or activities to allow them to keep working, hence less money for food for themselves, as adults.
During the holidays, people who normally donate are away and so donations drop off significantly.
Organisations such as our own, which hold regular monthly collections, are on a break and so, again, supplies into the food bank diminish.

All of these factors add up to create a very tough situation. We don’t want to see Startup Stirling’s food bank shelves go bare over the summer, but that is a very real possibility. However, if the people of Dunblane can respond in great number, we can collect enough in one night to ensure this doesn’t happen.

What should I donate?

FOOD: Cereals, cereal bars, tinned fish/meat, tinned soup/veg/beans etc., rice, pasta, jam, peanut butter, cook-in sauces for pasta/rice, dried soups, instant meals (non-perishable), biscuits/oatcakes, condiments, tea/coffee/hot chocolate, sugar, UHT/long-life milk, diluting juice, tinned fruit/desserts, condiments.

HOUSEHOLD: kitchen roll, toilet roll, scourers, washing-up liquid, hand-soap, multi-purpose cleaner, shampoo, soap, deodorant, toothpaste, shower gel, shaving foam/gel, razors, tampons.

BABY SUPPLIES: wipes, cream, nappies, etc.

You can also donate cash or cheques (payable to ‘Startup Stirling’) on the night. These will go towards providing fresh fruit and vegetables etc along with the packs which are sent out using donated food. Thanks for your support. For more information about Startup Stirling, see www.startupstirling.org.uk

Everyone is invited to the Annual Display and Prizegiving on Saturday 23rd May at 6.00pm in the Dunblane Centre. Please note the earlier start time this year, which is due to an event in the Dunblane Centre the next morning.

All sections of the Company will fall in and perform a variety of entertainment, showcasing some of the skills and talents they have gained or improved over the session, and they will be inspected by Lieut. Darren Empson, Captain of 1st Tulliallan Coy., The Boys’ Brigade. The BB Band will play during the proceedings to entertain you during changeover times and the prizeigiving and awards ceremony will feature 11 Queen’s Badges and 19 President’s Badges, as well as several Duke of Edinburgh’s Awards at bronze, silver and gold levels.

Refreshments will be served in the cafe area of the Dunblane Centre afterwards, at around 9.00pm. All are welcome to join us for this evening of celebration and acknowledgement of the achievements of 190 boys. Boys themselves must arrive before 5.30pm in order to be in place for the Company photograph at that time. Copies of the photograph can be ordered online at http://goo.gl/forms/ka7Z4FuLgn

For more information, please call 823192 or e-mail via this website ‘contact us’ page. PageLines- bb_dunblane_group_shot.jpg

Our Junior Section, which meets on Friday evening, has places available for boys in P4 and P5 at the moment. Junior Section provides a huge variety of activities for boys, based around earning badges, having fun, keeping fit and learning skills for life in a Christian environment. Competitions, trips, weekends away, walks, swimming and joint activities with other local BB groups expand the programme beyond the hall on a Friday, too.

Normal meeting time is a Friday 6.10-7.45pm at the Cathedral Hall. We would be glad to welcome boys in P4/5. However, there is currently a waiting list for P6 (and also for P3 in Anchor Boys). Please call 821387 or e-mail info@dunblanebb.org.uk to get more information.

(Information correct as of 31/01/2015)

We are delighted to launch our 2014 Advent Appeal with the above title. Our P7 boys are organising this appeal in conjunction with our BB Christmas Carol Service on Sunday 14th December at 6.30pm in St. Blane’s Church.

The appeal is to support our close friends at Startup Stirling, who provide much-needed and increasingly-demanded crisis food bank services to over 100 people in the area every week. The boys are asking you to reflect on how we can best spent our money and time this Christmas season and are all aiming to run their own Christmas Coffee events in their homes, welcoming others and asking them to contribute to Startup Stirling’s food bank at the same time.

If you organise your own, or attend one of these events, don’t forget to share a photo (with appropriate permission) on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram using the hashtag #passthepresenton

More details – and a kit to help you organise your own event, too – are contained in the Word document below.

Be a King