Fantastic news from Likhubula received this week: thanks to our Anchor Boys’ sponsored walk back in May, thirty brand-new double desks have been purchased for Nansato Primary School in the community. These have arrived just in time for the start of the new school year next week.


As a registered charity in Scotland, we are required by OSCR (The Office of the Scottish Charities Regulator) to publish our audited accounts each year now. Our accounts being published below are for the year ending 30th June 2023, which were subsequently approved at our charity AGM in March 2024.

The document also contains a summary annual report of the charity’s activities over the same period (July 2022 to June 2023) and an updated list of the Trustees of the organisation.

Should you wish to raise any questions about the accounts or annual report, please get in touch with us by email or call 01786 821387. BB 2023 trustees report FINAL

This year, the City of Perth Salute was held in commemoration of D-Day and the Normandy landings, as it was the 80th anniversary of this important event. The Salute is a family-friendly event allowing people the opportunity to see both military and civilian groups taking part in a large parade. The 25th Stirling (Dunblane) Boys’ Brigade Band was fortunate to be asked to be a part of the celebrations.

City of Perth Salute - marching through Perth

City of Perth Salute – marching through Perth

We started at Thimblerow car park in Perth and marched our way to North Inch Park. The main parade was along Perth High Street. Whilst marching down the streets of Perth we stopped at Tay St to perform for the invited guests. The band was part of a huge procession, playing music and entertaining the many crowds that had gathered for the event.  There was a large mix of bands, with many taking part dressed up in different costumes and uniforms. The event combined youth groups, military bands, civilian music and dance groups. In addition, there were lots of vintage militaria and people dressed in civilian clothes and military uniforms worn during the time of the Second World War.

Once at North Inch Park we took part in the main arena event, where we played amongst other tunes, ‘World in Union’, ‘Cantina Band’ and ‘Seven Nation Army’.  It was really exciting to play in front of a large crowd, which was really enthusiastic and supportive.   There were lots of other bands playing, a majorettes routine, Chinese dragons, choirs, an impressive routine from a motorcycle display team, and many more. A good selection of photos showing the different groups involved is available here.

Playing in arena at Perth City Salute Day

As well as the events happening in the arena, there were many stalls for people to browse. Stalls included those run by community organisations, tasty food stalls and stalls run by military personnel. It was really interesting to look at some of the military guns, ammunition and vehicles used by the army in the War.

We had a great day, and the weather was kind.  The band is definitely looking forward to being a part of this impressive event again next year!

Every month we do a collection for Start Up Stirling, which is an organisation that runs eight food banks across the Stirling area. Every Christmas we do a large appeal for people in the community to contribute to our collection. Thanks to our generous community, this year we successfully collected 650 kilograms of food to pass on to Start Up Stirling, and hopefully help people across our area.

We had a busy Sunday afternoon just before Christmas, delivering 100 Christmas hampers which had been lovingly made by Queen Victoria School pupils. Some older members of the community, as well as some of Dementia Friendly Dunblane’s volunteers, were delighted to receive the gifts.

Over November and December the band is always very busy. This year was no different. We played carols at lots of different events for lots of different people. Here’s a snapshot of some of the playing we did.

Remembrance Sunday will take place on the 12th November 2023. On Remembrance Sunday the parade will set off at 10am from the Railway Station and march to the Cathedral for a Remembrance service commencing at 10.30am. The Boys’ Brigade brigade band and pipers will be accompanying the parade. Other organisations such as the RAF Air […]