
Anchors Section

Anchor Boys are Primary 1, 2 & 3 – boys can join once they have attained their fifth birthday. We meet every week (Wednesdays 6.30 – 7.30pm, Cathedral Hall (temporarily in St. Blane’s Church while the Cathedral Hall is being renovated. This applies to September/October 2023) for a fun-packed night of games, crafts, bible stories and activities, music, food, drama and much more. Each boy’s group enjoys its own time together each week, and our programme follows themes for each term. Sometimes it’s a science theme, sometimes a superhero, or maybe a bible story or characters. We have lots of visits and visitors to make our programme really varied, and we meet up with Anchor Boys from around the area for Christmas parties, the Lego Day, Briarlands Farm visits and competitions. Boys love the variety of what’s on offer every week and thrive on the Christian-based programme.
Come along and try for a few weeks: we don’t ask for any payment until later in September. We have a simple uniform – Anchor Boy red jumper and school trousers/shoes – but the jumper can be bought after a few weeks of trying Anchor Boys out. 

For more information, e-mail Harry Tyler at:

More information can be found on our enrolment page