Enrolment information for 2015/16 session
Enrolment for all sections of Dunblane BB will take place on Friday 21st August between 6pm and 8pm at Dunblane Cathedral Hall. It’s a drop-in evening so come along at any time to hand in forms, make subscription payments and purchase new or second-hand uniform.
Please note that we will be operating some waiting lists, where necessary, for some age groups. All existing members from 2014/15 will be allowed to continue but numbers will be capped in order to ensure a quality programme and manageable ratios of boys to leaders. There are currently no spaces for P4 or P7 boys and there is likely to be only a very limited number of places in Company Section for S1-S6 so please contact us by e-mail (info@dunblanebb.org.uk) if your son is in one of those year groups.
Forms and information packs are available below. Please check the ‘All sections’ part AND the specific section your son wishes to join for all paperwork.
BB Membership & Waiting List info
2015-16 Subscription rates
BB Gift Aid form 2015
Where do my badges go?
Note: boys must attain their fifth birthday before joining. Weekly meeting: Wednesday 6.05-7.10pm at Cathedral Hall
Anchor Boys – Annual Consent Form
Anchor Info Pack 2015-16
Note: no spaces are currently available for P4 boys. Names will be added to a waiting list.
Weekly meeting: Friday 6.10-7.45pm at Cathedral Hall
Juniors Info Pack 2015-16
Junior Section – Annual Consent form
Note: no spaces are available for P7 boys and only a very limited number of places will be available for new S1-S6 boys. Please e-mail us on info@dunblanebb.org.uk to find out more.
Weekly meetings: Fridays 7.45-10.00pm and Sundays 9.20-10.00am/7.30-8.00pm (alternate weeks)
Company Section – Annual Consent Form
2015-16 Company Section Info Pack
2015-16 Company Section Parent-Boy agreement
If you have any questions at all, please call 823192 to speak to our captain or e-mail info@dunblanebb.org.uk