As the new school year begins, we are pleased to announce that Boys’ Brigade will soon be enrolling for the new 2023/24 session, too.
Places are available for boys in P1-P3 at Anchor Boys, which has its weekly meetings on Wednesdays 6.15-7.15pm in St. Blane’s Church. We also have space for P4 boys to join Junior Section (P4-P6), which meets on Fridays 6.15-7.45pm, starting and finishing in St. Blane’s Church, too.
Due to a very high number of boys and the need to maintain an appropriate ratio of officers/leaders to run the programme, our Company Section (P7-S3) and Seniors (S4-S6) are currently full and a waiting list is in operation for all year groups.
On Friday 25th August from 6.30-8.30pm at St. Blane’s Church we are running a drop-in enrolment night and will be delighted to meet new members and parents then to sign up. You can also pick up new uniform or swap/donate for second-hand BB clothing.
For more information, please call 01786 821387 or email
We are looking forward to welcoming you to two big BB events during the month of March.
First, our Coffee Morning takes place on Saturday 8th March from 10am until 12 noon at the Cathedral Hall. Entry is £1.50 per adult or £1 per child, which includes tea, coffee, scones and pancakes. There will be a cake and candy stall and tombola, along with lots of competitions and, of course, the ever-popular chocolate fountain!
As it’s Fairtrade Fortnight, some of the boys will be running a Fairtrade awareness stall, too.
Donations of home baking and items for the bottle stall will be gratefully received and these can be dropped off at the Cathedral Hall on the evening of 7th March between 7pm and 10pm.
Later in the month, we invite you to our 3rd Annual Concert on Sunday 23rd March at 7pm in the Victoria Hall. As well as a wide and varied repertoire from our ever-expanding BB Band, there will be solo and small-group musical performances as well as magic, drama, circus acts and lots more! Something for everyone.
The concert is in aid of The Galgael Trust and they will have a stall at the concert offering for sale some of their handmade wood crafts and kitchen apparatus. Tickets are £5 (adults) and £3 (children) and are available by e-mailing or you can buy online at
Enrolment for all sections for the 2013/14 session will take place on Friday 23rd August in Dunblane Cathedral Hall from 6pm-8pm. We look forward to welcoming new members for the coming year in all sections. Please note that this evening is simply a drop-in. We encourage parents/carers to bring along any brand new boys to say hello but it is primarily for us to collect paperwork, payments, offer uniform items for sale, and a chance for you to ask any questions. Formal meetings for the different sections begin on the following dates…
Anchor Boys (P1-P3*): Wednesday 4th September, 6.05-7.10pm
Junior Section (P4-P6): Friday 30th August, 6.10-7.45pm
Company Section (P7-S3) and Seniors (S4-S6): Friday 30th August 7.45-10.00pm^ and Sunday 1st September 7.30-9.00pm
* Boys in P1 must have attained their fifth birthday before joining.
^ P7 boys finish at 9.30pm.
Enrolment forms are available for download on this website below
Information for ALL age groups: 2013-14 Subscription rates BB Gift Aid 2013
Info and forms for Anchor Boys (P1-P3): ANNUAL CONSENT FORM 2013-14 Anchors Anchor Leaflet 2013-14
Info and forms for Junior Section (P4-P6): ANNUAL CONSENT FORM 2013-14 Juniors Juniors Info Pack 2013-14
Info and forms for Company Section (P7-S3) and Seniors (S4-S6): ANNUAL CONSENT FORM 2013-14 Company 2013-14 Company Section Info Pack 2013-14 Parent-Boy agreement
If you have any questions about any of the sections, please contact us via or telephone 823192.
Please note that, for your convenience, 1st Dunblane Girls’ Brigade will also hold their enrolment for 2013/14 in the Cathedral Hall at the same time. For more information, please contact Jacqueline Campbell on
Our second Coffee Morning of this session was equally as successful as the first with £1,020 raised for company funds. The Cathedral Hall was stowed out the door as dozens of boys’ families, friends, supporters and, of course, members of the public came along to support the event. The chocolate fountain was back, to everyone’s delight, and, unbelievably, the correct guesser of the sweets in the jar was Alistair Williams again! Great work, young man!
The officers and boys would like to thank everyone who baked or bought supplies, everyone who helped serving, cleaning up, washing dishes or making tea/coffee throughout the morning and, of course, everyone who came along and contributed so generously to help fund our activities for almost 180 boys every week.
Following on from a highly successful last-minute appeal at Christmas in 2011, 25th Stirling (Dunblane) Boys’ Brigade is organising another major collection for Startup Stirling’s Crisis Food Bank and in conjunction with Good Green Fun.
The BB is appealing to the local community around Dunblane, Bridge of Allan and Stirling to support by donating non-perishable foodstuffs, Christmas food, toiletries, nearly-new toys, household supplies and children’s clothes.
The collection will be led by boys and leaders from the Boys’ Brigade and takes place in St. Blane’s Church Hall, High Street, Dunblane on Friday, December 21 from 4-7pm.
All items will help local families who need support in these challenging times and will be distributed in time to make a difference to people’s Christmases.
Here’s a list of what we CAN accept:
Tinned or dried food; non-perishable food, in particular: tea, coffee, tinned meat, tinned desserts, tinned fruit, jam, marmalade, diluting juice, cereals, breakfast bars, pasta, rice, soup, beans etc. UHT milk and long-life fruit juices. Cleaning materials and equipment (new), toiletries, nappies, household supplies. Disused crockery, cutlery and mugs. Wrapped Christmas presents for children (please label suitability). You can also make a cash donation on the day.
‘Good Green Fun’, another local charity, will also be grateful for donations of children’s clothes, nearly-new toys, books etc.
Here’s what, respectfully, we CANNOT accept (e.g. please don’t bring these):
Adult clothes, blankets/duvets/cushions, home baking, cuddly toys, electrical equipment, alcohol.
For more information about Start-Up Stirling, please see their website at To contact the BB in Dunblane about this collection, please use the ‘contact us’ link at the top of this page or call 01786 823192 or 07767 691812.
Friday 24th August 6.00-8.00pm, Cathedral Hall (drop in at any time)
This summer we headed to the ‘Theatre of Dreams’ – Old Trafford – and the Imperial War Museum North in Manchester.
To see some of the pictures on facebook, click here>