Enrolment for 2023/24 session
As the new school year begins, we are pleased to announce that Boys’ Brigade will soon be enrolling for the new 2023/24 session, too.
Places are available for boys in P1-P3 at Anchor Boys, which has its weekly meetings on Wednesdays 6.15-7.15pm in St. Blane’s Church. We also have space for P4 boys to join Junior Section (P4-P6), which meets on Fridays 6.15-7.45pm, starting and finishing in St. Blane’s Church, too.
Due to a very high number of boys and the need to maintain an appropriate ratio of officers/leaders to run the programme, our Company Section (P7-S3) and Seniors (S4-S6) are currently full and a waiting list is in operation for all year groups.
On Friday 25th August from 6.30-8.30pm at St. Blane’s Church we are running a drop-in enrolment night and will be delighted to meet new members and parents then to sign up. You can also pick up new uniform or swap/donate for second-hand BB clothing.
For more information, please call 01786 821387 or email info@dunblanebb.org.uk.