Enrolment Information for 2013/14 Session
Enrolment for all sections for the 2013/14 session will take place on Friday 23rd August in Dunblane Cathedral Hall from 6pm-8pm. We look forward to welcoming new members for the coming year in all sections. Please note that this evening is simply a drop-in. We encourage parents/carers to bring along any brand new boys to say hello but it is primarily for us to collect paperwork, payments, offer uniform items for sale, and a chance for you to ask any questions. Formal meetings for the different sections begin on the following dates…
Anchor Boys (P1-P3*): Wednesday 4th September, 6.05-7.10pm
Junior Section (P4-P6): Friday 30th August, 6.10-7.45pm
Company Section (P7-S3) and Seniors (S4-S6): Friday 30th August 7.45-10.00pm^ and Sunday 1st September 7.30-9.00pm
* Boys in P1 must have attained their fifth birthday before joining.
^ P7 boys finish at 9.30pm.
Enrolment forms are available for download on this website below
Information for ALL age groups: 2013-14 Subscription rates BB Gift Aid 2013
Info and forms for Anchor Boys (P1-P3): ANNUAL CONSENT FORM 2013-14 Anchors Anchor Leaflet 2013-14
Info and forms for Junior Section (P4-P6): ANNUAL CONSENT FORM 2013-14 Juniors Juniors Info Pack 2013-14
Info and forms for Company Section (P7-S3) and Seniors (S4-S6): ANNUAL CONSENT FORM 2013-14 Company 2013-14 Company Section Info Pack 2013-14 Parent-Boy agreement
If you have any questions about any of the sections, please contact us via info@dunblanebb.org.uk or telephone 823192.
Please note that, for your convenience, 1st Dunblane Girls’ Brigade will also hold their enrolment for 2013/14 in the Cathedral Hall at the same time. For more information, please contact Jacqueline Campbell on jacq.n.campbell@talk21.com