Over two thousands Juniors continued the 140th celebrations on Saturday 8th October, with the national 140 Big Sleepover. This involved sleepovers in over 100 locations across the UK, including church halls, trampoline parks, adventure centres and castles. One company from South Africa took part, too. Our own Junior Section at 25th Stirling took part in […]

We are delighted to report that thanks to these boys’ efforts walking and swimming for miles in 2023 – and the donations of all their generous sponsors – we have reached our target of £6,500 to support our friends at Nansato Primary School in Likhubula, Malawi. Due to changes to the value of the Malawian […]

After only a few rehearsals to get back into the swing of things following a short summer break, our talented young concert band and pipers are getting ready to entertain with an informal programme of music for Macrosty Park in Crieff on Sunday 3rd September. Everyone is welcome to enjoy a varied programme of music […]

As the new school year begins, we are pleased to announce that Boys’ Brigade will soon be enrolling for the new 2023/24 session, too. Places are available for boys in P1-P3 at Anchor Boys, which has its weekly meetings on Wednesdays 6.15-7.15pm in St. Blane’s Church. We also have space for P4 boys to join […]

We were delighted to see six of our former BB boys (three of whom are now officers) finally being presented with their Gold Duke of Edinburgh’s Award at Holyrood Palace on Thursday. They were pleased to tell HRH The Duke of Edinburgh all about their award (and, it appears, some other banter!) during the event. […]

At the moment, we are transforming the way we run Boys’ Brigade – temporarily! – both in the sense that we are having to meet virtually and complete activities for our awards remotely at home. But one thing hasn’t changed: we are still trying to do our very utmost for the community of Dunblane at […]