BB responds to Coronavirus in Dunblane
At the moment, we are transforming the way we run Boys’ Brigade – temporarily! – both in the sense that we are having to meet virtually and complete activities for our awards remotely at home. But one thing hasn’t changed: we are still trying to do our very utmost for the community of Dunblane at this challenging time. Our members are helping get shopping, walk dogs, playing music at 8pm on Thursdays for the NHS & carers but also delivering copies of our Band’s CD to the elderly and isolating/shielding around the town in the hope we can bring some of our music to lighten their day!
If you think that our members or their families could be of help to you, please get in touch either by calling 821387, e-mail or contacting us via Stirling Council’s helpline on 01786 404040. We are a registered volunteer group with the Council during this period while we fight off coronavirus.